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Australian Adventure #4 - Comics

It's Friday the 13th.

The official day of the Fringe opening.

An exciting day. A nerve wracking day.

There is a parade, a launch party and lots of performers gathering, prepping for a month of epic flyering, performing and drinking.

It's like Freshers week all over again. Literally almost exactly. Except this time, EVERYONE is/has been a drama student which means no one can get taken the mic out of for being a drama student. We've all had to pretend to be trees at least once.

I've been responsible and spent the morning drinking coffee, organising laundry (yes guys, the life of a comedian is THAT exciting), skyping with the parentals (bless them and their inept technical ways) and getting all my life together, organising half-price tickets for the weekend, sorting out poster printing (the one major thing I forgot to organise before I flew out) and booking extra gigs in for the whole festival. It feels cool to be a responsible adult. Saying that, I am writing this whille wearing my shark costume*, so....

I realised this morning that I have never done an official THANK YOU to all those who helped fund my crowdfunder campagin to get to Adelaide in the first place. To those who pledged money to help raise money for all my costs, thank you so much. You have no idea how happy, touched and how much confidence it gives me to know that there are people who have faith in my comedy to pledge for it to travel across the other side of the world. Postcards and personalised erotica are coming your way soon. You've made a ginger very happy.

Crucially, the main thing I want to say in today's entry about Adelaide is that yesterday I adventured around the city sourcing out potential audience members. I was looking out for people who looked a mixture of 1) nice 2) clean 3) shark fans. I found my home in the comic book shops of Adelaide. Of which there are three. The Comic Shop, Pulp Fiction Comics and Adelaide Comics Centre. Each fiercely unique and each well run by passionate and knowledgable comic book readers. I love comic book shops. Walking into one makes me feel at home, similiar to entering a library. Entering a comic book shop and buying a comic is like being a part of a secret society, but a friendly one. One which greets any new members with enthusiam and joy rather than intimidation. The loyalty people have towards particular writers and artists always amazes me. It's wonderful to find a shop where there is such a sense of community. Anyways, I spent a small fortune on an array of IMAGE comics, a fantastic publishing house that really specialises in nurturing new comic talent. The comics I've purchased include Ryan Browne's GOD HATES ASTRONAUTS, Faerber, Godlewski, Riley and Mauer's COPPERHEAD, IMPERIAL by Seagle, Dos Santos, Mauer and Simpson, THEY'RE NOT LIKE US by Stephenson, Bellair and Gane and THE AUTUNLANDS TOOTH & CLAW by Busiek, Dewey and Bellaire.

Can't wait to settle in one of the many coffee shops in Adelaide and work by way through them. I have a feeling my suitcase is going to be very heavy.

Anyway, must go and wash.

LOVE xxx

*It's very comfy

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