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Writer's pictureElf Lyons

Australian Adventure #8

Right, first thing's first, I haven't had my ritual cup of coffee yet so I am writing this with effectively the same brain power as a zombie. The problem with festivals are the late nights. I forgot to factor these in. Up until 3am last night at the Arts Bar, I forgot that I had a foot which looks like the Elephant mans (thank you pain killers) so spent a large part of the night hopping very aggressively on my left foot, holding my crutches in the air, lip-syncing to Taylor Swift. In my head I was very sure I looked like a complete party animal, but to all those around me I probably looked like a disabled kangaroo in the throes of a mental breakdown. Woke up this morning with a left leg like Captain America's and a hangover which proves to me that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to have a rockstar drinking velocity. Instead, two pints is enough for me.

The first week at the Adelaide Fringe has soared past. The days move quickly here and the time up until my show seems to get shorter every day. A really kind comedian called Joshua Cruse has been flyering for me the past two days as I get too tired on my sore foot. He is clearly an expert flyerer as the audience last night was large and lovely.

I must have a power nap as the plan of action today is 1) look around the Adelaide museum, 2) see a show, 3) do my show, 4) see another show 5) perform in another show 6) Hop around on one leg and dance to Taylor swift.

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