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Mar 23, 20192 min read
New Workshop - MAY 2019 - CHARACTER & CLOWNING - Intensive 4X Week Course - Rosemary Branch The
Thrilled to say that due to the popularity of my March course at the Rosemary Branch I will now be delivering another multidisciplinary...

Nov 27, 20182 min read
TEACHING: Comedy Intensive 4X Week Course - Unattended Items
Exciting announcement. I am now working with the team behind the super Rosemary Branch Theatre, Unattended Items, to deliver a four week,...
Mar 23, 20178 min read
The London Diaries - My Area.
When you live in a city for so long, it’s as if you sink into it, like a pound down the back of the sofa. You are just ‘there’, enmeshed....
Nov 25, 20155 min read
#6 The Clown Diaries - WILD HORSES
It's Wednesday the 25th of November. And it's cold. Bloody cold. The Christmas season is almost upon us in Etampes! In other words:...
Nov 11, 20154 min read
#4 The Clown Diaries - Nightmares
Apologies that this blog is late, Someone accidentally forgot to click 'publish post'. Anyways, this entry is one week behind. Keep your...
Oct 15, 20155 min read
#1 - The Clown Diaries - First Week in Etampes
Welcome to my first entry on this blog in AGES! At the time of writing this, there are six men, all of different nationalities and...
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